Tuesday, December 13, 2011

My 2nd devotional for True Beauty Devotionals

I'm so excited! 

"Striving for perfection
by Elissa Branum
There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment.
~1 John 4:18a
Have you ever felt afraid or unsure?
I'm almost sure that almost everyone one has.  One major reason I feel afraid is actually because I fear failure. I feel like I'll never be "perfect."
We strive for perfection.  It's like we are hard-wired to want the very best...yet we always fall short. Why is it so integrated in our psyche to admire and to desire perfection? Why do we envy those people who seem so "put together," like everything is great in their lives? Why do we point out the loveliest houses, cars, and other belongings?
Maybe we were meant to live for Someone capable of the perfection we fall short of. Maybe our hearts are tuned to the One who is perfect. Perhaps we are inwardly seeking and longing for His purest, closest, most right embrace. Jesus is the reason for our adoration of perfection.
Do you fear imperfection?

Application Step:
Maybe you, as I do, need to let go of your fear of falling short. Realize that God paid the price for our sins, and there is nothing we can do to earn that salvation.  Talk to a godly adult if you are unsure, and fall into the arms of a perfect God.

Thank You, Lord, for being a perfect God. What more could we long for? Who else could fill us and take away our emptiness?  I was made for you, Lord.  Help me to believe that you are the only perfect One.  I love you, Lord!

To purchase a print copy of these devotionals click here:  www.findyourtruebeauty.com/devos-book
For more help finding your true beauty in Christ, visit: www.FindYourTrueBeauty.com"
--All ownership to True Beauty Devotionals.


  1. Thanks for submitting this devotion, Elissa! It was an answer to prayer, and the message was one that I needed to hear, and I'm sure that it will help others as well. I'm so thankful for you!

    Heather Hart-
    Editor of Teen Devotions... For Girls!

  2. Thank you Heather! I'm so glad it was an answer to prayer--I love these devos so much :D God bless!
