Wednesday, December 28, 2011

My Poem :)

I'm working on a sestina poem for extra credit in my lit class (which I desperately need incase finals went poorly) and this is what I have so far! Critical comments welcome :). 

Time's Reflections

A little girl among the toys gazes
At herself upon a tiny play mirror.
Her toothy grin a gap reveals
And the fairy’s coming later for her.
This child innocent views a reflection
For purposes unselfish, joyous, free.

Time’s running; a decade has flown past free
From cares that hound she who now gazes
Once more within a glass at her reflection.
More value she longs for within the mirror,
Yet deep inside she knows it holds for her
Nothing better than what the surface reveals.

Years later, her scarred heart reveals
A longing from these addictions to be free.
As she views the tears, knowing they cost her,
She finds a hopeful thought while she gazes.
The expectations that glared from the mirror
Were shown not worth living for in reflection.

On a golden rosy day she catches the reflection,
In a shining pond, a face blissful from love reveals.
Her own and her prince’s together in the mirror
The image she cherishes within her heart, free
 That day, from past opinions or strict gazes
Of ghosts of older days--love has freed her.

Decades later, a viewer could find her
Taking a introspective look at her reflection
But not in vanity or in sorrow, she gazes
But rather in the happy memories it reveals.
Though her days grow short, her heart is free
Past behind, heaven ahead, smiles the mirror.

Creator above sees she who looks in the mirror
And His heart sings as He watches her
Because she is His alone, she is free
From sin, from death, from her reflection--
Those evil to her, as He to her reveals.
“Fearful, wonderful,” saying He gazes.

Now as her, press on in what He reveals.
Take care not to take long gazes in a mirror
But to rejoice, free from your reflection.

~Elissa Branum


  1. AWESOME!! This is so creative and REALLY good! I can't criticize because I am terrible at poems. But I think it's REALLY REALLY good and so beautiful. :D <3 you!!!

  2. Awe you're so sweet!! Thank you Dorothy!! <3 you so much!
